Welcome to PIV (PartnerInVoipUniversity .  Here, you will find training and information courses designed specifically to help you gain knowledge and get started in your VoIP business as quickly as possible.  The courses are segmented so that, whether you are a Channel Manager or a Partner, the lessons will provide you exactly what you need to get going.  Simply select the course that applies and Sign Up.  We will send you a username and password so you can get started.


If you are already signed up, you can just log in and get going.


If you are not yet a member of PartnerInVoip simply contact us and we will work together with you to provide you the best fit for your business goals.  If you would like more information about the different categories and requirements for Channel Managers and Partners, go to our Levels of Partners page.


Customer         OnBoarding

This course is required for all partners at all levels.  It covers: who is Partner In VoIP, and compelling reasons to get involved.


Partner                OnBoarding

This course is required for all partners at all levels.  It covers: who is Partner in VoIP, and compelling reasons to get involved.


Partner                                            Admin

This course is required for all Partner Administrators – CEO, CFO.  It covers: the different partner levels, compensation, how VoIP impacts your business financially & organizationally.


Partner                           Technical

This course is required for all Partner Technicians, and suggested for Sales personnel.  This course covers: best practices for installation of VoIP at a customer site, from on-site technical surveys to detailing the phone stations and users, to implementation and training.


Partner                  Sales & Marketing

This course is required for all Partner Sales and Marketing personnel.  This course covers: Marketing templates, creating proposals, setting customer expectations, implementation & training.


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Channel Manager      OnBoarding

This course is required for all Channel Managers.  This course covers: channel strategy, compensation, and expectations.
